Fridays are good
By 5:30 pm, I should be looking at this. If I am not looking at this by 5:30 pm, that means I'm still on the train on the way to Foley's and will be extremely impatient. Woe betide anyone who interferes with my progress toward the bar, or causes any delay whatsoever.
That is all.
EDIT: Well maybe that isn't all. Guiness takes an awful long time to settle, so I may order the Guiness, but also a PBR to get me through the 3 minutes it takes for the Guinness to be drinkable. Now, good day, sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.
I love reading your blog...
Even though I feel like you're gonna slug me.
Despite my propensity toward violent language, and my very strong opinions, I'm a very peaceful person. I'm a goddamn sweetheart. My friends will tell you, or I'll glass 'em.
Forget the Friday Guinness? The horror....the horror....
Have one for me.
Or a dozen. Whatever works.
Everyone knows that Guinness, outside of Ireland, is pure shite!
Ask Twenty Major, he'll tell you.
It's all we've got, Muff. What, you think I can afford to fly to Ireland every time the urge is 'pon me? Fuck off. Until I taste it in dear old Ireland, I'm making do. An' dat, is dat, so it is.
The Black and Tans were a British Police force sent to quell the Irish problem at the turn of the 19th century.
Brutal lot the were.
I drink Guinness only in Ireland.
Muff, you world traveler you. I can't afford an Ireland trip these days, and I'm not waiting. Stop being such a snob. It tastes well enough from reputable local pubs for my purposes now, and until I taste the ambrosia in Ireland, it'll have to do.
Oh, and if you're referring to my comment on Harry's blog, I KNOW. I was making a joke. Get it?
Once you have had Guinness in Ireland you will never drink it in Boston!
I should have never had it in Ireland, I am now ruined!
About Harry's, just testing!
Black and Tan is okay in a Boston bar. It will get you shot in Ireland though, something about 'polluting the nectar'.
I have no doubt that the Guinness is better over there, but I hate traveling, so I may never know, and will live my life in quiet desperation. Though...The world is a wonderland of beers and beer varieties. I even enjoy the occasional black velvet (guinness & cider). Very refreshing. The cider cleanses the pallette, as it were, and prepares you for the next round. Though it is a bit like mixing the grain and the grape, so the hangovers can be deadly.
The Guinness served in Ireland is the same Guinness served in the United States -- both are brewed at St. James' Gate. I have had quadrillions of people tell me that Guinness in Ireland is better, but that is hogwash. I sure as hell never noticed this amazing quality of Guinness in Ireland when I worked at a pub in Ireland. It's just that Ireland is better. It's the same way food tastes better when you're camping.
Horse's Ass, I mean Andraste, you are the first and only person I know who reads Modern Drunkard...
That magazine turned me libertarian...
Thanks, Chris. You've made a good night even better.
Seahag, sweetheart, being a's a gift.
Thanks alot Chris, you ruined my big con!
I will now have to go to plan 'B'.
Everyone knows that a Philly steak outside of Mindanao is shite!
I agree....its hard for us lay people to try to develop skills...thats why i am just a sloppy drunk...
you are my hero.
A good drunk must be prepared to suffer for his art. That, I do.
I love every word in that statement. thank you for visiting my blog...its insanity at its worst.
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