Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stand back, I'm REGENERATING.

Utterly sick and tired of the 15 or so pounds extra that I've been carrying around since goddamn puberty. So within the last month, I started a diet and exercise routine that would make that Gillian McKeith cream her size zero keks. Now I've pretty much always had something of an exercise routine, and a (sort of) reasonable diet, but that's only been enough to maintain a generally healthy, but somewhat rounded, not to say flabby, figure- with attendant fluctuations, mood swings, inconsistencies, what have you. Enough is e-fucking-nough, though.

Seriously - up at the crack of freakin' dawn every day for an hour on the elliptical, plus weights, and other toning exercises and sweaty junk, a diet of only fresh fruits, vegetables (mostly raw), hummus for protein, zero caffeine, zero processed food, and so little booze that SPOUSE thinks I've been abducted and replaced by a teetotaling alien.

It's weird when you feel your body changing. But it's nice, too. Here are some changes I noticed even before the scale started to register a difference:

1. Better digestion, i.e., no stomach pain, no grumblings, bubblings, sqeakings, reflux, etc. Has to be mainly the lack of coffee that caused that, though I also suspect lack of wheat products is a contributing factor. (Shall I go all the way and say healthier poos? Ooops, already did. Deal with it. No, McKeith, you can't come and look. You loony.)

2. It is, for the first time in my life, EASY to go to sleep at night, EASY to stay asleep through the night, and EASY to get the carcass out of bed in the morning (at a most ungodly hour) for the workouts. This has mostly to do with the exercising, I think, though the lack of caffeine can't be discounted.

3. People are noticing. Even before the scale said I'd lost an ounce, people were mentioning it. At first it was a little annoying, having to hear "well, you're building muscle, which weighs more than fat" at every turn, when all I wanted to see was something I could actually quantify as progress. But hell, what was I whinging about? People said I was getting thinner, so I should just grin, thank them, and carry on with the smugness.

4. My skin is smoother, clearer, and more resilient than it has been in years. Nary a zit to mar the lovely freckled paleness. That has to do with the lack of processed foods. I think high fructose corn syrup is a zit maker. Don't bother arguing with me on this. I know full well I have no data to back this up, but this isn't a science blog, it's just an intuition. Nyah.

Maybe I'll be able to keep the routine up even when the days shorten and the sun is no longer up at 5AM, but we'll have to see. This rabbit doesn't get up in the dark. I predict once the sunrise is later and the weather is colder, I'll be back at the mac & cheese, and into Dunkin' Donuts like a crack whore to her dealer, but from a lighter, more toned, cleaner starting point. Then maybe next spring, if and when a dress shopping event comes up I won't find myself in tears. Again.


Blogger Kim Ayres said...

As someone who used to be 106 pounds heavier than I am now, I would suggest that whatever changes you are making to your eating and exercising, you make them sustainable - ie, a lifestyle change that can go on indefinitely rather than a regime that you plan on stopping when you reach your target.

Between 95% and 98% of all people who go on a diet end up putting all the weight back on within 2 years (and many of them put on more).

This is largely because the reasons they were overeating in the first place were never addressed. So as soon as they stop, they go back to the old habits again.

The only real way for long term success is to not do anything that is temporary.

If we focus on being healthy, then the body will lose weight as a natural side effect. But if we focus on losing weight, we might succeed, but we won't keep it off in the long term

29 June, 2010 19:16  
Blogger Andraste said...

Thanks, Kim, but I trust you know that I know all that? Just checking.

29 June, 2010 21:11  
Blogger Andraste said...

You know, I love that I'm getting all these new people commenting here, you're all welcome to read and join, but I have to say - these comments I can't read...is there no way you guys could write in English or those terribly handy arabic charecters so that we can all understand what you're saying?

04 July, 2010 23:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done you! It is great when you feel better, sleep better and look better.

05 July, 2010 05:35  
Blogger Andraste said...

Very true, Cat. However, today I'm sporting a post-holiday-cookout-drinking-binge-hangover that would shame a goat. Sangria to beer - silly rabbit, what WAS I thinking?!

05 July, 2010 08:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, who amongst us, yadda yadda.
* is just back from few days of much the same*

However! New week, fresh start, all good.

06 July, 2010 07:51  
Blogger Kim Ayres said...

I'm afraid they are not greetings - each full stop is a link to another site - just spam comments I'm afraid and best deleted

10 July, 2010 13:45  
Blogger Andraste said...

Thanks, Kim. Suspicions answered, comments deleted.

10 July, 2010 14:32  
Blogger Andraste said...

Fucking hell, the spammers.

18 July, 2010 00:06  
Blogger Boltzmann's Brain said...

just found your blog, and after having an ickle flick through think i might return. keep it up

04 August, 2010 11:25  
Blogger Bob Byrne said...

Best way to lose weight fast is too put on two layers of clothes and have a wank inside a sleeping bag. It really works

07 August, 2010 04:57  

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