Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Will we never be set free?

Found out yesterday that some asshole fan injured herself climbing up a pole and falling at the Rolling Stones show at Fenway Sunday night. Apparently, after breaking a wrist and both ankles, it was reported that she was belligerent and verbally abusive to the rescue personnel and paramedics. If she'd popped her clogs in the fall, I'd put her up for a Darwin Award, but no such luck. She'll live, and probably breed.

I wonder if she's related to the drunken, shrill, half-witted harridan we passed on the way out, who was screaming "Yankees suck*" to the departing crowd.

*The fucking moronic fucking chant. Bad enough we have to hear it at ball games when the Yankees are IN town. Now we have to hear the fool thing at concerts too? When the Sox aren't even playing the Yankees? When we have the lead in the AL East? Sox fans: let's retire it. They don't MATTER anymore. It's old, it's tired, it's untrue, it's stupid. Even the Red Sox players and organization hate it. Fucking stop. Please.


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