I googled some odd stuff
For the entry below, I googled a lot of weird stuff, trying to find a picture of a wet, pissed off looking rabbit to illustrate how I felt after my shower tumble. So now there are some weird records somewhere of my search terms, doubtless someone out there thinks I'm a right pervy.
But anyway, in my search, I found this.
But anyway, in my search, I found this.
here: i tried to help you...
i know its not a rabbit but it is close, and damn funny...
I do like guinea pigs...and yes, I did try that route. (Wet rodent, angry rodent, etc.)
That pig doesn't look too psyched, but with an attention span that small...he'll get over it.
I took a look on google images for wet and hairy. But it wasn't until I turned the SafeSearch off that it got really interesting.
Check out Stephenesque today, beardy. Nice wet & hairy bath poem. I'd like to think I kind of inspired that 'un.
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