
You guys! Geoffrey Chaucer has a blog!
Ich finde thys moste funye.
Take a gander.
That's all I got. There's a bottle of Ca del Sol down the hall with my name on it. Muste drinke of the wyne. For thys maketh the dayes woes gaw dahn the bogge.
yu no I kn do dis wit ese. And I too hve a wyne wit my nme on it, and itz nme is Samarroco Reisling, and it be yummy!
Have a good weekend miss!
Kissy kissy.
I wonder if Shakespeare doth have one as well, perhaps written entirely in iambic pentameter...?
byfoare ye doe, have an looke at the blogge off maffter Hunge-bunney. I thynke ye shoulde beye tolde.
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