Happy bunny.
So, this is my meager thank you to everyone. It doesn't say nearly enough, but hey, I'm still hungover, so that says a lot about what a great time it was, dunnit?
To my loving husband, siblings, friends...everyone who came, and to those who couldn't make it, but were there in spirit, you're all amazing people and I'm lucky to have all of you in my life.
Damned if I'm not still choked up.
Happy Birthday, Joelle! I always think of you this time of year as your birthday rolls around...raise a Guiness for me, would you?
Your old Emerson pal and GOD-AWFUL ex-roommate (great taste in antique furniture not withstanding),
Gaaaah! My real name is out there now. Oh, shite!
Thanks for outing me, K!
But in all seriousness, thanks for the happy birthday wishes. More Guinnesses, coming up!
Joelle? C'est trés chic! I posted it yesterday, but in case you missed, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Kissy Kissy.
Yes, I saw that FMC - and thanks again for your lovely b-day wishes. How's the hangover? I read your post and haven't had a chance to formulate anything witty to say...
Did you drink that drink that makes you hallucinate that I was there?
Oddly, yes, and then I woke up to find a Throbbing Gristle CD in my house.
Wasn't Joelle Superman's mother?
40 is the new 30, they say, which means that you are now the same as agae as me, but still older because my birthday is today (the 20th).
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday, Chris. Today is my husband's birthday as well. March is a good month, non?
And no, I do not share my name with any comic book characters. Which is really too bad, I'm thinking.
But the closest to it is Jo-Rel (sp?) who was Marlon Brando.
Thank you for the concern luv, but I am recovered. Nap, shower, bacon and eggs and I was almost as right as rain. I'm just too old for that kind of impromtu drunkenness.
Joelle? JOELLE!
I couldn't possibly comment, other than to say happy frickin' birthday y' auld git!
Happy Belated Birthday Andraste!!!
For present, me promise not to comment on recently outted information... here... cause me think there may be Blunt Cog strip in here somewhere...
Anyway, hope you really had good one.
Life begins at 40!
(keep saying that... it makes you feel better.)
.... Joelle...?
No, sorry. I'm still struggling with that one..... mwar!
Your title anagram for today...
SOS - Pubes rash!
Happy Birthday! I hear all the cool people are forty now: it's the new twenty. So live it up all year, I say!
Happy Birthday A-Girl! I assume 40 is a great age to be since I'll be there in 4.
Many happy returns. We're practically twins, doncha know!
21 March 2006.
Ist day (official) of Spring.
Joelle the rabbit girl's birthday.
The sap's rising!
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